Sunday, March 27, 2011


It's off to work I go.... yes this weekend was my return back to reality and the working world. Sadly to say my wonderful, treasured maternity leave has come to an end. Saturday was my first night back to work. I will have to admit it was so difficult to leave. I was feeding the boys before I left and was staring down at them eating. Large crocodile tears welled up in my eyes and there I went. I didn't want to have to leave and miss any second. I know that they are in wonderful hands, because they couldn't ask for a better Daddy. Knowing that still doesn't mean that I ( mommy) want to miss out on anything. I made it through my first night, had to do a little refreshing on protocols. I am proud to say that I stayed awake pretty easily. I am sure all the late night feedings had nothing to do with it. I made it home with plenty of time to change for church and help Mitch get the boys loaded up in their seats. Payton got to enjoy a special fun filled evening with Nana and Papa. My mom insisted that Payton stay the night so Mitch could just have to boys his first night alone. Payton went to church with mom and dad and we were able to make it on time also. We came home after service was over and I was able to take a nap before getting up to feed the boys before heading off to work again. I am here now for my 2nd night. It is a little more difficult tonight, starting to feel how heavy my eyes actually are. I am hoping the boys take really good naps today so I get to sleep as well. It is time to start adjusting to our new schedule. In no time at all it will seem just like normal.

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