Saturday, August 23, 2008

Payton is 6 months already

It is so hard to believe, she is already 6 months old. It feels like she has been here forever but at the same time it feels like she was just born yesterday. I felt so bad yesterday, it was the first time that she didn't feel well. She got all congested on Thursday and didn't feel good on Friday or today. I just held her and cuddled her and tried to make her feel better. We sat in the guest bathroom a couple of times in the steam to try and break up the mucus. That was fun. She looked awful cute when we came out of the bathroom, her head was a curly mess of hair from it being so hot.
So Mitch also started school 2 weeks ago. That is going to make life even crazier than it already is. He will work and go to school 2 nights a week and I work 3 nights a week, so that doesn't really leave a whole lot of family time. The good thing is that it is only 18 months, well less than that now. It will be great for the future and might as well get it done now before life gets more crazy.
Monday we have Payton's 6 month check up appointment with Dr. Wichman. We will get to find out how much our little growing girl weighs now. I am guessing close to 17. We will find out. Daddy also gets the pleasure of going to this appointment and he has to hold her down when she gets shots this time instead of mom. I had to be the bad guy the last couple of appointments and this time I can be the all time great mom and just scoop her up after the shots are done and make her feel better. Well I suppose that is all for now. I should get back to work I suppose not that I am really busy obviously.