Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Mom's Rock!

Those of you that read my last post know that I returned to work last week. Let me tell you it was the hardest week yet. I was barely functioning on hardly any sleep and by Wednesday I was dying. No kiddos at my house was sleeping through the night all week. I had worked a couple nights and not really slept during the day. I didn't know what to do, so when all else fails, cry. I was so tired that was all I could manage. My mom knew what a hard week I had. She kept calling to check up on me. This is the part that gets good!

Mom walked over to my house on Friday and showed up at around 4:30, right when I was finishing feeding the boys. She timed that on purpose of course. She walked in and said," Are you finishing up with the boys? Good change and enjoy this beautiful day and walk or run all by yourself." She said she was trying to help with my sanity and give me a little "ME" time. Now how wonderful is that? I was so excited, she knew my schedule, knew I would love to be outside, knew I would love to workout( because like that ever happens with babies and a 3yr old), and thought I needed just a little break.

That is one of the perks about being mom, you know your kids almost as well as they know themselves. I don't like to ask for help, if it is offered that is one thing but I pretty much won't ask for it otherwise. She knows this wonderful fact of course and just came and told me to leave. That is exactly what I need sometimes, or else I would just keep on pushin through.

Today I got another wonderful mother surprise. I had made a comment that I need some play clothes for Payton that she can play hard in and ruin and I won't care about it. Mom had payed attention to that comment. Children's Orchard was having a sale she knew about that play clothes were on sale for $1 per item. She just showed up at my house with play outfits and shorts for Payton. They are even really cute mostly name brand even. I don't care, it was wonderful because now if any of it gets ruined it's no big deal.

It is so great to have a mom that knows you so well. I know that I would love to do similar things for Payton one day. Know her well enough to do wonderful sweet little gestures that mean the world at the time. I will of course do the same for my future fabulous daughter-in-laws. It might take a little while know how they work but I am sure I will figure it out quick and treat them as my own. What a wonderful gift to get the privilege of being a mother.

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