Friday, February 22, 2013

30 Weeks

I have hit 30 weeks today, which we are extremely grateful for.  Mid week we had a couple of bumps in the road.  Tuesday night into Wednesday morning I got up to use the restroom and discovered I was bleeding.  Mitch had gone into the boys room to get Cohen back to sleep.  He wasn't expecting me sitting up in bed looking concerned.  I immediately called my parents to have them come to the house to be with the kids.  I then called to page the Dr. on call.  I wasn't bleeding heavy enough to immediately leave for the hospital.  Dr. called back with in 5 min.  
She was comfortable with me staying at home laying in bed with the amount of bleeding I described I was having.  I already had an appointment to see my OB first thing in the morning.  She said to stay in bed and see him unless my bleeding increased.  She was giving the hospital heads up on what was going on. If thee bleeding got worse we were to head straight there and not waste time calling out another page to her.  
Luckily it stayed the same and didn't increase.  In fact it had stopped bleeding by the time I actually saw him.  That was my saving grace that allowed me to get to go back home.  While we were in the office they did an ultrasound to check my placenta and the baby.  Everything looked great so I was able to go home and not have to stay in the hospital for the next 9 weeks.(thank heavens, I would go insane sitting in a hospital for 9 weeks)
He said this was my 1 free pass because next time could bleed worse, even if its not worse it will probably earn me a bed in the hospital.  I also started showing early signs of preclampsia.  My visits to see him changed from every 2 weeks to every week.  I will get an ultrasound prior to seeing him to see how things are looking.  We are just taking it week by week.  Hoping to keep in as long as we possibly can.  
This process has been an experience to say the least.  We have had incredible friends and family that have been so helpful.  We have dinners coming to us 3 nights a week.  We have had tons of friends giving of their time coming over for mornings or afternoons to help take care of the kids. Our family has been extremely helpful with the kids.  We had a couple of friends help Mitch get the boys room painted. Our friends that are out of town have been checking in and we have received a couple of care packages and gift cards.  I can't tell you how many different ways we have been shown love and support and are so grateful to all of you.  You all know how you are.  Thank you again, I am sure we can not say that enough.  God is good, all the time.

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