Saturday, June 4, 2011


There are so many uses of a bumbo seat. I think they are one of the greatest inventions. We use our for a couple of reasons so far. This is the day the boys got to taste cereal for the first time. Payton got to taste it for the first time this year, since she did eat it when she was a baby. Of course being the big sister she doesn't want to miss out on any new adventures. Surprisingly she actually liked it and wanted more, but we told her she only got to try it once and the rest is for the boys. She then decided that coloring sounded much more exciting since she wasn't going to get to eat anymore.
They both gave the typical first reaction, scrunched up face and sticking the tongue out. Cooper warmed up pretty quick but Cohen was not as impressed. We have been feeding it to them for the past week and Cooper loves it, mouth wide open impatiently waiting his turn. Cohen now opens his mouth but has a harder time keeping it in and swallowing it all. He ends up pushing about half of it out and I have to try again. Once that happens Cooper gets upset because he thinks he is getting another bit before he does. It is quite the ordeal. This will help them put on some weight, maybe by 6 months we will be in double digits in our weight%.
Our bumbo seats are great for the boys to watch while I get dinner ready, wash bottles, clean the kitchen up. They just love to be able to watch us. They could sit there and knaw on their Stevie's, they love their Stevie's. We will also be using it shortly for bath time. They have about out grown the baby bath and will be graduating to the full bath tub just little sister. To be blogged about at a later date.

Payton coloring

playing with our Stevie's( we changed the name instead of the Sophie's)

Cereal!!! Here it comes


Payton's bite

Cooper is thinkin about it

Cohen is not impressed

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