Sunday, May 1, 2011

4 Months

Time flies when you are having fun. My precious baby boys are so much fun and now they are 4 months old. Both of them have rolled over, of course I wasn't there to see either of them their first time. You would think having two babies I would have been able to see one of the events. They are full of smiles and squeals. Cohen has just started laughing out loud and Cooper looks like it will happen any minute. There check up at the doctors office went well.

Height: 25 3/8" 70%
Weight: 12lbs 5%
Head cir: 16 3/4 50%

Height: 25" 50%
Weight: 12lbs 3.2oz 8%
Head cir: 16 1/2 40%
They have started to take notice of one another. They will lay and look at each other and it sounds like they are starting to mimic each other with their cooing. It is still such an amazing blessing to have two beautiful and healthy babies, I am so grateful to help them grow into amazing, caring, compassionate men.

Who me? You want me to look at the camera?

There is my mommy!!

What mom, I am looking at you

Oh... you want me to smile

Well, OK this is kind of fun!!


laura said...

jess- they are so beautiful and look so happy!
so happy for you, mitch and payton!

amy said...

so precious. love them!