Saturday, May 28, 2011

Survival of the Fittest

Just picture the truck packed to the fullest, luggage topper packed and backseat full of children. If you can picture that then you know how we looked last weekend driving to Des Moines, Iowa. We left Friday after lunch to make it to Iowa and get checked into our hotel so that we would make it to the dinner rehearsal between 6 and 7. We did make it on time, much to our surprise everyone traveled fairly well. We had to stop once to feed the boys, change diapers, let Payton go potty and get her snack and drink and then loaded back up and kept driving( in the rain the entire way). That whole detour took about an hour. After we got checked into our room and loading our whole house onto those rolling luggage racks we were able change our soaking wet babies. In the hour it took us to get from the rest stop to the hotel I am pretty sure the boys puked up at least 2 days worth of milk. They don't like to be in that position right after eating. Once we set up the pack-n-play and got them in dry clothes we got back in the car to go to the rehearsal dinner.

Our official name was,"You are the ones with the twins". Yes that was us, I think we must have stuck out a little bit. The dinner was great and the boys got passed around and loved the attention. Payton enjoyed getting to swing in the back yard. The boys were exhausted so they went right to sleep and never made a peep. Payton on the other hand could hear all the kids still playing at the pool. I forgot to mention that we stayed at a hotel with an inside water park. That was where the reception is held and where they blocked off a lot of rooms. The pool is open until 10:30 and she was able to hear them still playing and couldn't understand why she wasn't one of them.

She finally got to sleep around 11pm. She woke up a couple of times through the night ready to go swimming, but went right back to sleep. After waking up and having breakfast we were finally able to take Payton down to the pool activities. She had a ball and swam like a fish from 9-noon. She loved the slides and we introduced her to the grown up water slides and let her go down on our laps and she loved it. I think she went up and down at least 30 times. I was able to play for about an our or so while the boys napped. It was great to spend a little bit of time the three of us. That doesn't happen that often these days. She got worn out and took a nap before the wedding, while Mitch and I got ready. The wedding was beautiful and went well, no fits from our children to interrupt the ceremony, THANK GOODNESS.

The reception was a lot of work. I have come to realize that the fun of a reception disappears when having 2 babies and a toddler. Payton had a great time dancing with anyone that would dance with her. The boy did pretty good with the loud music, but didn't really fall asleep. Finally by 9:30 we called it a night and took everyone up to bed.

After a filling breakfast we loaded back in the car and home sweet home, here we come. We had to stop again once to do our feeding and changing dance. We made it home in time to unload the car, start laundry, Mitch mowed the yard and then it was off to work for me. It went well but very tiring, I am in no rush to do it again anytime soon.

Payton on the slide

pool fun

the big slide

worn out, napping on the floor ( her choice)

Payton dancing

the boys dancing

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