Saturday, September 18, 2010

Night at the Cirus

I know I am not very on time with my post but better late than never. So we went to the circus with our neighbors. The kids had so much fun. We went early so that we could be apart of the pre-show. They got to meet some of the dancers and see some tricks, of course the best part was one of the elephants was out for them to see. Here Mitch and Scott are trying to get them tall enough to see over everyone else to get a good look at the elephant.
Payton with her dancer friend
Amy and I did good, we brought in candy for each of them, plus we had hidden a glow toy from Wal-mart, $1.99 vs. $18.99 to buy one there. They all ate their candy and played with the twirly glow sticks. Payton did pretty well, got a little restless towards the end but she did a good job. She almost was more excited about the glow stick than parts of the circus. We had great views of the elephants and tigers. She thought they were pretty cool.
tiger tricks
the big elephants
Payton enjoying her view of the elephants

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