Sunday, September 5, 2010

Best Buddies

Payton had a morning of fun last week at our neighbors house. It was the morning of Logan's birthday. Logan and Payton are best buddies and love to play together. This special morning was Logan's birthday and he turned 3. Amy had got out blow up pools and a water slide. We hung out in the backyard and let the kids run around crazy. The neighbors behind them came for a little bit also. At one point Payton was the only girl out of 5. We are letting her practice being around a bunch of boys. She better get used to the idea because that will be her life her soon. They had so much fun together and they usually get along so well. Every once in a while we have a sharing issue, but most of the time they are both great.
Payton down the water slide
Logan's turn on his belly
Payton prefers her bottom and so does mommy
She loves the water
Drying off together

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