Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day and Birthday Week

I had a great birthday week thanks to my wonderful family (mainly all work done by my husband).  I always joke that celebrating my birthday should be more than a day and more like a week.  Well this year that happened.  I got my favorite chocolate one night when Mitch came home, I got summer  flowers another night, I got a new swim suit ( which I needed), a family picnic at the park one night,  a pair of earrings I was wanting, and my favorite cake from 3 Women and an Oven for Sunday.  
I am one lucky momma to get spoiled with so much love.  We had a great family night at Heritage park. We had the play ground all to our self because the clouds had just blown over after it looked like it was going to pour on us.  Mitch and Payton did a little fishing and even caught a baby catfish.  The boys ran around and kicked the soccer ball and played on the playground.  My idea of a great family night!!
Friday was Muffins with Mom at preschool.  We went up and Payton made me a crown, and she served us muffins.  They boys enjoyed a muffun as well, and Parker slept the whole time.  Thank goodness I only had 2 boys to deal with most of the time.  It was a great way to spend the morning with my girl and see how proud she was of everything she did to prepare for us coming up to school.  
Besides running on little sleep it was a wonderful week! To finish it off Sunday was Mother's Day and my actual birthday.  We had the privilege of dedicating Parker during church servise.  Parker did great, per my request all the kids came down with us.  The boys acted like 2 year old boys and didn't want to hold still of course.  It is our last kid and I thought it would be nice to stand together.  Probably would have been a little smoother to just have Mitch and I do it, but you know it is what it is.  There was no screaming just a lot of moving around.  We could have made a lot of other families grateful they don't have twin 2 yr olds. LOL
After church all I wanted to do was to have brunch at Granite City.  After the grandpa's even left early to get our name in we ended up not eating there.  There was no way we were waiting out the 3 hr wait.  So we just went back home had some Goodsence sandwiches instead.  Just hanging out together was great.  
Big sis being so helpful after bath time
 my cutie pie
 Parker had a great time at the park
 Monkey boy climbing
 brothers holding hands
 chasing each other down the walking path
 Fishing with Daddy
 Muffins with Mom at preschool
 Payton even served her brothers muffins
 enjoying yummy muffins
 our pic attempt, Cohen decided to lay on the floor and said no
 someone took up close shot with their phone, all standing together at the dedication at least
 so much for Motherd day photo, boys wanted nothing to do with it.

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