Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Start of Christmas Season

 I love Christmas! Everything about it from Christmas lights everywhere, Christmas music the entire 25 of December, shopping to share gifts with all the people that I love.   We also have an elf that visits our house and loves to get himself into trouble.  He has hung Mitch's underwear in place of our stockings.  He was on top of the dining room hutch today in one of the boys cars.( they didn't like that much, they wanted their car back).  Payton runs down the stairs every morning so eager to find out where Bernard is hiding or what trouble he has gotten himself into.  Then it gives us good opportunity to discuss what he did wrong, why and what would have been a better choice.  Fun and learning all at once, I love it. 
On Thursday we went for a day of fun.  We took a trip to Union Station to look at their train exhibit.  The boys are obsessed with trains right now so I knew they would love it.  They got to ride the train they had set up.  Cohen was not thrilled that you then had to get off the train when the ride was over.  Once we got around behind it so they could see all the trains, they loved it.  They so many all different sizes they were "cho cho-ing" every direction.  They were so excited they didn't know what to do.  Payton found the Polar Express train and all the Thomas trains and pointed them out to the boys.  We were lucky enough to have my grandparents accompany us and lend me a hand.  After seeing all the train fun we walked the overpass( which was an adventure all itself.) We had lunch at Frtizs at Crown Center.  Mitch got to join us over his lunch and surprise the kids.  It was such a fun day. 

If that wasn't enough fun for one day we meet Mitch at Bass Pro Shop after work so we could see
Santa. We always go there to visit Santa and we love it. The kids all ran up and gave Santa hugs which was so cute. Of course I didn't capture any cute pictures. Really 3 kids all doing what you want at the same time, never. Can't wait to try 4 next year. The kids enjoyed many fun activities. They even found a 4 wheeler they thought we should bring home. Payton thought it was a great idea. ( I am sure Daddy would love that along with the land to ride it on).   What kid isn't excited to see fish, bears and all those fun animals. We had to about drag them out of there to get home and go to bed.  I love it!

Tonight Payton got to make her count down Christmas chain.  That way she can pull one chain off each morning and know how many more days until Christmas.  That helps from her asking how many days until Santa comes.  I love all the fun little things they get so excited about.  We will have to take turns of course as to who gets to pull one of the rings off each morning. ( that should be fun)

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