Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It Had to Happen Sometime

Having 3 kids, odds are one of them will probably brake a bone.  Well Cooper won first place.  I never would have guessed it would be him. I would have put money my little monkey boy would have been first.  Last Thursday evening Cooper fell on top of a puzzle knob.  He landed just right and ended up with a buckle fracture of his distal radius ( he broke his wrist).  Sadly it took over a day to figure it out.  Thursday evening he was fussy while I was trying to get dinner ready but he didn't take a good nap so I knew he was tired.  Cohen and him kept pulling each other over and getting upset impatiently waiting for their food.  They ate dinner, had baths and went to bed. 
The next morning after getting him dressed he was playing on the floor while I dressed Cohen.  I watched him try to pull on the side of the crib and pull his arm back quickly and started screaming.  Then he tried pushing up with his hands to stand and pulled his arm in and fell on his face.  I immediately thought of his clavicle.  We see little ones falling of beds, landing wrong that brake their clavicle often.  He had been coughing pretty bad and I was already planning on taking him to the Dr.  So we went in he was happy moving his arm around and seemed just fine.  Dr. said to call back if he got worse and then she would order x-rays. We were already out so we ran some errands, had lunch, and he took his afternoon nap.  It wasn't until after naps while playing in the backyard I realized what was injured.  He fell walking through the grass and when he put his hands down to push himself back up he started screaming again.  Then I realized it was his wrist that was hurting him.  Even though he would grip and use his fingers, it was only painful with pressure to his hand.  By this time office was closed and he was OK as long as he wasn't on all 4's.  He went to bed and slept fine. Once I got home from work and office opened, I brought him up for x-rays and sure enough it was broke.  So went to Children's Mercy and they decided to splint him and we were see an othro this week.
Today we were able to get into the pediatric ortho and they put him in a cast.  It will be on for 3 weeks and then he should be as good as new.  He was such a sport getting his cast on.  He held pretty still for a 14mo old.  Still happy and smiling after it was all over. 

It is hard to have a bag over it while he eats so we don't get food inside.  He also loves bath time and he has to get sponge baths until the cast comes off.  He doesn't like that much.  We are hoping Cohen doesn't end up with a head injury due to playing with Coop. 

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