Thursday, October 27, 2011


The rat tail has disappeared. Cooper had more of a tail than Cohen but might as well do both if I was going to do one. Who knew getting 3 kids haircut was such an adventure. It took around an hour and a half. The boys rested while Payton got her hair done first. Then Cohen went because Coop was still sleeping. Cohen loved Jennifer running her fingers through his hair to check the length. He was sitting so still, just in heaven. Coop was more interested in what was happening so he wanted to move to see the action. They look so handsome all trimmed up. Everyone did really well, I was proud of them. Payton looks beautiful not handsome.

Cooper just pooped out while waiting his turn

Cohen was chillin with mommy
Payton finishing up her hair

what a pretty little girl

Cohen before pic

hey who is that handsome baby in the mirror?

all done, look at me!

Coop before the trim

he liked the pink comb the best

all done, so handsome

1 comment:

amy said...

cute pics. so jealous they already need hair cuts.