Warning lots of photos
The boys new bean bags
the boys after a nice bath
Cohen, my bubba. Mr. Chill, he is laid back. He usually always had a huge smile. He loves people and smiles and laughs so easily. He is relaxed, entertained pretty easily and loves his sister. She can get him to laugh so hard by doing practically nothing. He is a mommas boy and my little cuddle bug. He loves giving hugs and kisses talks up a storm. (Yah, I know where does he get that from?)
-weighs 22lbs( roughly our actual check up isn't until next week
-sleeps like a champ 12hrs, hardly ever wakes up when Cooper is up.
-still sleeps with paci and his lovey, usually on his belly
-can stand on his own, but hasn't taked his first steps yet( surprised since they have been pushing around since he was 8.5 months.
-loves crawling up the stairs
-usually inhales when it is time to eat, double fist and eats quick
-loves to say Dada and sis sis, Momma only comes out every once in a while
Cooper, Coop, Mr. serious. Now he is my take it all guy. He loves to sit back and observe just a bit. He isn't as soical and gets spooked sometimes with to many people. He is a mommas boy if people are around. Once Daddy is home he normally will choose him. He is everywhere and fast. He doesn't sit still long always on the move. He is very persistent. Loves to get into everything and I can't seem to distract him otherwise. Example: I take him off the fireplace and tell him no, give him something else to do and he will go right back. I am sure this happens about 40 times a day. He is very bright, just watches once and then does. I am sure he will learn lots from his big sister, good and bad. He has the most beautiful big blue eyes and the onryest smile.
-weighs 22lbs
-sleeps close to 12 hrs. up once or twice a couple of times a week
-loves his paci and lovey
-picky eater, loves to throw food onto the floor, eats slowly
-loves crawling up the stairs, doesn't like to be made to go down the stairs.
-says moms more often, but loves to make mmmmm sounds