Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Trimester

This week the babies will start to open and close their fingers, eye muscles will clench and their mouths will make sucking movements. If I poke my belly the babies will move in response, not that I will feel them yet. That will come soon enough. We are hoping that the sickness gets better now that I have past the 12 week mark. This week I have been pretty good, hoping to get some more energy back and I know Mitch is too. He has been my savior, doing everything around the house, grocery shopping because I hate the site of food. It won't last forever but feels like it is taking a while to get through. The babies are happy and healthy so far and that is the most important part. Now that my belly has started to grow I don't think it will take long before it looks huge. Hopefully I am not waddling to soon.

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