Wednesday, February 4, 2009

NEW words

It's was the greatest hour last week. I was playing with Payton and have been working very hard at trying to get her to say "mama". She has said it once or twice before but for the most part she always says Dada. We were laying on the floor playing with blocks and some of her stuffed animals and out it came. "MAMA", I was so excited I could hardly stop from squeezing her to pieces. Then within a couple of minutes out came "DUCK" and "BALL". What was even cooler is she actually knows what those objects are. You can ask her where her Duck is and she will start crawling around looking for him. She also will go and find a ball, weather it be her ball or the dogs ball. Luckily they share very well with her. It is amazing that the smallest little detail makes you so excited. It just made my whole day, I was so proud of her. It seemed to just come out of no where. You can tell that she has so many words in there that she just can't wait to get out. She babbles on non-stop, I don't know where she gets that from.
Walking is any day now. She walks really good holding on to something and she has pretty good balance. She can stand on her own but hasn't attempted any steps without holding on to something. She cruises well and can move pretty fast behind her little shopping cart. Once she figures out she can do it by herself we are in trouble she will be on the lose.

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