Friday, September 26, 2008

On the MOVE!!

It is hard to believe but Payton is on the move. Yes she can crawl, well army crawl but still she can move. It is like it happened overnight. She has been able to do some wiggles and get something that she wants after a while. Now you can put a toy that she wants a couple feet in front of her and she makes a bee line right for it. It doesn't take her very long either. Then she gets so excited once she has it in her possession. It is the greatest thing just watching all that she learns so fast. She is also learning to stand up holding on the furniture. She can't pull herself yet but if you put her down standing then she will hold on and keep standing.
We are getting ready for winter, Mitch is finishing up things around the house. Today he fixed some boards on the fence that the kids next door broke with a baseball. Then he mowed our yard and his parents yard, tomorrow he is aerating both yards. He also has to power wash the garage and driveway to put some sealant on them. He will be a busy little worker bee in between work and school. Those are things that I can't really help with either, other than taking care of Payton and letting him get them all done.
I got to experience for the first time what having a sick baby is like. Not really all that much fun. When I got home from work on Tuesday night around 11:30 and crawled into bed. I was then woke up around 1:15am, we were then up for the most of the rest of the night. I finally got her to sleep for a couple of hours by 6am. I gave her some Tylenol for the second time and she slept from 6-9. That was helpful. Apparently that is what happens with a baby who has a cold and is teething. We thought she might have ear infections but when we went to the doctor the next day they said her ears looked good. She has been sleeping normally the last 2 nights. I felt so bad for her though, she was crying so much and sounded terrible it just broke my heart. I just tried to make her comfortable and kept rocking her. I like when I get to see her happy not hurting. Well I guess that is enough rambling for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend

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