Monday, January 10, 2011

No Better Snow Day

It has been snowing all day long. There is no way to spend a snow day then going outside to play in it. I of course didn't get to enjoy that today but miss Payton did. We had seen the weather report and was hoping that it would snow before Mitch went back to work. Payton was excited from the minute she woke up until Mitch finally took her outside to play. They got all bundled up and ready to embrace this beautiful winter day. They had a great time playing in the snow.
We even had a great surprise, before Mitch had even made it outside our neighbor's boys were shoveling our driveway. We have some of the greatest neighbors you could ask for. Within the last 24 hours our driveway has been shoveled 3 times and none of them done by Mitch. Once was done yesterday and then twice today. We are so grateful for such wonderful neighbors.
Payton enjoyed hot chocolate this afternoon after her snow adventure. She loved it, and even left half of it on her face. She also showed us her new way of feeding her baby. She wanted to feed them like as she said"I feed my babies like you feed the babies". It was hysterical!
look at my muscles
father daughter playtime
ready to go
after making snow angels
Daddy pulling Payton in the snow
after drinking hot chocolate to warm up
Payton feeding her baby( the newest method she has learned)

1 comment:

amy said...

oh my word! too funny about payton breast feeding her doll. that had me laughing outloud!!