Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winter's here along with the flu

This past week our poor baby got sick for the first time. It was the worst thing ever to look at how bad she felt and couldn't make her better. Payton spiked a fever on Tuesday night. I got a phone call to see if I was on my way home from work because she was up crying with a fever. Once I got home I changed and we rocked in her rocker. We were up half the night off and on until about 2:30. She finally was so exhausted that she crashed and stayed asleep. The next day her fever got up to almost 104. She also had projectile vomit, that was great fun to clean up. It was hard to even know where to start, when we both were covered in it along with the couch and the floor.

She looked terrible, puffy eyes and all she wanted was to held and loved on. She was attached to my chest the majority of the day. Mitch picked up pedialight on his way home from work. She lived off that for the next couple of days, along with some oatmeal. Her temperature started coming down and was around 100, then she started getting diarrhea. The poor thing just got to experience it all in one week. Her little bottom got so sore, she would try to fling herself off the changing pad when you were wiping her bottom. Luckily she didn't accomplish that. We would smother desitin all over her bottom as quickly as possible. Yesterday she was almost back to her self. She was still cranky but was eating better and wanted to play some of the day. She now wants to stand all the time and hold on to everything, she gets very upset when you make her sit down. She even let go and was on her own for a whole second. Hopefully this next week brings fun and healthy times. It really breaks your heart to just watch how bad your kids feel and not be able to make them better. They look at you with sad eyes and are crying because they want mommy to fix it for them. Being mom is still the best job in the world even through the tough times like last week.

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