Monday, December 31, 2012

Our Christmas Celebrations

This year Payton understood the meaning of Christmas and loved sharing that it was Jesus birthday.  She sounded so grown up saying such sweet prayers thanking God for Jesus being born.  The boys loved the lights and of course Polar Express.  We watched that movie plenty of time over the month of December.  They love "choo choos"! It is amazing that Christmas has come and gone.  The kids decorated cookies to leave out for Santa.  They had a great time doing it but the boys were very unhappy when we only let them eat one and then put the rest in containers. 

We celebrated our first Christmas with the Lymans on the 22nd.  Our car broke down first thing in the morning when Mitch went to the grocery store but other than that small hiccup we had a great day.  Uncle Sean came home and brought his girl friend Jodi to celebrate with us.  The kids enjoyed opening their presents, of course.  The boys got their bed spreads for their new big boy room.  They will be moving into that next week.  (I am sure there will be fun stories along with that).  Payton got a new doll and she was so excited and has hardly put her down.  She named her Jesse, probably because Toy Story is the boys favorite movie at the moment. 
Boys opening bedding, they loved the box
 Payton and Jesse
 Jesse again with Payton and Uncle Sean
 cuddle time with Mommy after waking up from short naps

Next on the list was Christmas at the Blanton's on Christmas Eve.  We enjoyed yummy food and the kids playing with their new toys.  The main attraction was the train track my parents had gotten a couple of days before, all the kids spent most of the day playing with trains.  They had a great time playing with their cousins and running in circles.

 Papa has just as much fun as the boys
 the girls
 present time

Christmas Eve we always go to church and then to my grandparents house.  The Blanton side of the family get together and have a little dessert and do a gift exchange. 
sibling love

 Payton got a hippo

Christmas morning we enjoyed our traditional monkey bread and egg casserole for breakfast.  Then got to dive into our stockings to see what Santa brought us and unwrapped gifts.  The kids got to stay in their p.js all day long since we didn't have to take them anywhere.  It was very relaxed and we enjoyed a wonderful family dinner that night just the 5 of us.  (this is a special treat for us because Mitch isn't always home from work in time for dinner)
 we always get a family game, this year hungry hungry hippos
Santa left a doll bed for Payton
 Santa left a train table for the boys
 loving the train 
 Payton loves her new stroller ( the boys even like it to push their trains in it)

1 comment:

Revercomb said...

We always do a family game Christmas Eve too......We got Hungry Hungry Hippos too!