Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Boys Are Two Today!

 I can remember like it was yesterday being in the hospital and having our family blessed with 2 precious bouncing baby boys.  I never realized how much love I can have for 3 beautiful children.  Oh.. how they have grown over the last two years and how different they are.
Cooper you are such a passionate child.  You go from one extreme to the next, extremely happy and laughing or extremely upset and temper exploding.  You are so bright and intelligent you love electronics and have work them surprisingly well.  You don't mind playing on your own and are good at sharing most of the time.  You have such determination and you were blessed with the Blanton stubbornness.  I pray God helps me to learn how to guide you.  Quality time is your language of love, spending time alone with me you love most. 
Cohen you are my mommas lover boy.  You look like your Daddy but no matter who else is around you always want your Mommy.  You are so sweet and loving and you love to look for your "sis sis".  You are a monkey boy and love to climb on anything and everything.  You have no fear and will try anything.  You love to take things apart and see how thing work.  Your little engineering mind just wants to get into everything.  Physical Touch is your love language because you love hugs and give them for a long time. 
My boys the day we came home
We had their birthday party today and had our wonderful family and friends with us to celebrate. 
You both are all boy and love wrestling and showing your muscles. You love trains, cars, of course balls.  We have wrestle time every night your Daddy gets home and you try to wrestle with your sister.  I love seeing the 3 of you play together and run around the kitchen laughing and chasing each other.  I laugh to hearing you laugh.
 name puzzles
 more boy fun a work bench
 train birthday cakes
 My Cohen
 My Cooper
 blowing out the candles
 today we have 2, two year olds, and a 4 year old and bun in the oven!
 Cohen and his new toy!

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