Getting closer, I am now 34 weeks and had my check up. Everything is looking good with baby. My fluid is great, I started getting non stress test, and that was great as well. He is still able to flip around, amazing enough. I think the boys made so much room last time he is enjoying it. He is breech this week with his head towards my left side not my right anymore. I really hope he picks a position and stays put because it hurts when he flips, feels like he is going to bust through my belly. Payton thinks its pretty cool, she has seen it happen once and was laughing at how much my belly moved. He has stuck his elbow out a couple of times and we have been able to grab it.
The boys have been saying baby and patting my belly and then giving it kisses. I am feeling done and ready to be off bed rest. I feel like I have had all I can handle with sitting around all day. I am ready to get back to normal. Driving somewhere if I feel like it, just doing normal day to day things. We now have 5 weeks left and then they will go in and pull out. I can't wait to meet our new bundle of joy and to start trying to get my muscle tone back to do normal activities. I know it won't come back instantly but can't wait to get started. I am still extremely grateful for getting to be at home and look forward to Easter and having family over for the day. I have to give myself something to look forward to each week to try to help the time go bye.